2025 Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
Annual Meeting and Dinner
March 13, 2025 at Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort
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Pictured left to right from the St. Michaels Rotary are Jennifer Pagoda, Susan Ahlstrom, Human Trafficking Regional Navigator; David Shaw, and Dennis Forney.
For All Seasons is offering free training, Human Trafficking 101, both online and in person throughout the five-county area. Susan Ahlstrom, Human Trafficking Regional Navigator, is eager to share with as many community members as possible information about human trafficking in our region – the intersection of online safety and trafficking, and the fact that trafficking knows no boundaries as it affects individuals who are young, old, rich, poor, LGBTQ+, male, or female.
“It takes the eyes and ears of every member of the community to recognize the signs of trafficking. Trauma-informed professionals also need to be able to recognize the problem when it is before them. They need to collaborate and work cooperatively, to help an individual who has been a victim of trafficking move forward in their lives and safely get out of the situation,” Ahlstrom states.
According to Ahlstrom, taking advantage of these free training opportunities is the best way a group or organization can help to have an impact on this growing problem. Schedule a presentation with your church, school, or community group to learn information about the signs of trafficking and how to respond. In addition, individuals can get involved by joining the Red Sand Project to raise awareness and advocate for legislation that supports and protects victims and penalizes traffickers.
To expand and increase Human Trafficking awareness, For All Seasons has created a free, self-paced, online course for Mandated Reporters and other individuals. Recent legislation has made it a requirement for law enforcement, healthcare, social services, and education professionals (all mandated reporters) to report cases or suspected cases of human trafficking to the Regional Navigator for their area. These professionals, play a critical role in identifying and reporting human trafficking.
“It’s not just your responsibility — it’s the law. Our new online course can help professionals learn how to fulfill their legal duty as mandated reporters and protect vulnerable individuals,” Ahlstrom adds.
The online course covers how to identify potential trafficking victims, including key behavioral, physical, and environmental indicators, as well as the legal obligations for mandated reporters in Maryland. Participants will also learn step-by-step guidance on how to document and report suspected cases to ensure swift, appropriate action, as well as self-care for the mandated reporter.
“Human trafficking is a hidden crime that thrives on secrecy and control. Victims are often afraid to seek help and may not realize they’re being exploited. As a mandated reporter, a professional’s vigilance can make the difference between a life of exploitation and a chance at freedom,” Ahlstrom concludes.
To learn more about For All Seasons Human Trafficking programs, to request information about trainings and presentations on Human Trafficking for your organization, or for more information on the Red Sand Project, visit WeSupportSurvivors.org. To enroll multiple team members or for questions about the online training for Human Trafficking Awareness and Response for Mandated Reporters, contact Susan Ahlstrom at sahlstrom@forallseasonsinc.org.
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